Sunday, September 13, 2009

Logically Speaking...

A bunch of random thoughts (which happen to travel in a bit of a train...)

If anyone should wear pants, it should be women, and if anyone should wear skirts, it should be men. Think about it. Who has less to squish into pants, hmmm? Men seem rather masochistic to me.

It's just not fair that men can go shirtless and women can't. The same rules should apply for both, considering that nipples abound either way and women can be just as attracted to men's chests as vice versa.

Why do the rules of virginity apply more to girls than boys? This society expects the girls to remain pure until marriage but guys are somehow less guy if they don't give it up in their teens. To keep both of these rules would mean that the guys would have to only have sex with already married women, or divorcees, or widows. And wouldn't that be a cultural taboo as well?

I'm sorry, Twilight fans. Vampires drink blood. This is their sustenance. Blood comes from mammals, usually. A deer, though not a human, is most definitely not a vegetable. Thus, Edward's vegetarian comment? No.

Also, vampires can't be good at heart. They're undead. Soul, gone. This is fairly much universally agreed upon, even by the vampires.

Werewolves can be good at heart as humans, but as wolves they're just surviving.

The movie "Madagascar" is idiotic. The lion is the villain because he wants to eat meat. He's a lion. That's what they do. And how is eating a fish any less villainous? Oh my god he's gonna eat the zebra... Oh, no, okay, we're good, he's just eating stupid fish. Who cares about the fish?

I feel bad for fish. Especially salmon. They wear themselves out just trying to get to the place they can procreate, and then all they do is eject stuff into the water. No fun at all, is it?

Thank God I'm not a porcupine. Do you know about their mating dance? It's effed up.

Val Kilmer's Bruce Wayne spent his Batman life "helping strangers [he] never met." Isn't that the definition of stranger? Someone you haven't met? Come on, man.

The scene in "Top Secret" in the bookshop is fantastic, and more people ought to see it.

Spoof movies generally suck. "Top Secret" is fun. "Loaded Weapon" is fun. "Airplane" is fun. But all the others I can think of are lame. There was ONE good joke in "Epic Movie" and ONE good scene in "Superhero Movie" and let's not get to the "Scary Movie" franchise.

And I think that's enough random thoughts for now.

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