Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Perhaps I Should Get More Sleep...

I walked past the rehearsals of "Antigone" yesterday. They are going to put that on in Pegasus Theatre (I'm not sure if they spell it with the "re" or the "er" ending, but does it really matter? We all just call it Pegasus.) I know a few of the people in it, working on it, doing the lighting and so on. I almost wanted to go in and snoop, but I let them do their thing uninterrupted.

I tell you what, I was on the crew for the opera UCO put on a while back, "Perichole," and seeing some of those people (my sister'll know eXACTly who I mean) brought me right back to the fun-filled days of hefting potted plants and maneuvering the houses. Oh God the houses, remember that? Well, sorry, more than likely you don't, because only the crew called them that. They were the big set pieces that looked on one side like the outside of buildings, and on the other side like the inner walls of a dungeon. We had to make a very quick set change, we only had a few minutes, where we had to turn the houses completely around and get them into position before the curtains opened. It was delicate. It was tricky. It was aggravating. And then it was beautiful, genius, like clockwork.

The people that work at Mitchell Hall are brilliant. The set designs are just unbelievable. You should have seen what they did for "Metamorphosis" a few semesters ago, when I was taking my Scene Shop class. Good Lord. They built a pool. On stage. Under a gigantic chandelier. Which we put together. Tiny little bits of wire threaded through thousands of tiny little holes in the metal rings which held all the little glass diamond chandelier bits. We spent two hours in shop. Two hours, nonstop. And I got maybe fifty little wires put in. Maybe.

And then they took it apart. Sigh.

Oooooh, bevor ich gehe! Es war sehr interessant! Gestern, vor meiner Screenwriting Kurse, ein Mann sprach im Flur mit einem Handy, und er hat DEUTSCH gesprochen! Ich liebe das! GUT Deutsch. SCHNELL Deutsch. Sehr ausgezeichnet. Sagen Sie ihm nichts! :D

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