Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Taking My Own Advice (I Hope)

Apparently, I started connecting my thoughts about Lovecraft to a poem we read called "The Mill" by Edwin Arlington Robinson. Here's a poem that I jotted down today between classes. With some minor editing, if I'm being honest. I'm hoping the ending works like I intended. Enjoy!

Morning Musings

I sit and see the shadows of an oft-remembered night
Slide soft as silk away from me, as I from silver's sight.
A shaft of shining Summer sun comes hither from the East
And brings with it the silence of nocturnal callings ceased.
At once I hear a strutting singer's greetings to the day,
And feel all fear and trepidation melt and fade away.
When Ra returns, I know at once my ship has come alee.
I sink down in mah easy chair. Ah drink a cuppa tea.
It might could help me stop a-thinkin', 'bout them things Ah done,
To sit an' sip mah icy tea. Ah never did care none
About that Chaney feller, from them mangy monster films.
Ah'd like to know how he would act if they'd've chewed on him.

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