Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Beginning of "The Beginning of the End"

It seems that I've only been in college for... what... it can't have been more than three or four decades, right? Surely I shouldn't be practically graduated, not yet... I've got so much more learning to do. But, alas, the hours have indeed accumulated, and - according to my calculations - I should graduate next May.

The point of this blog? Quite frankly, I think you might find it hard to find one. I don't plan on trying to make my posts relevant to one another. There's a fair chance some things on here won't make sense to anyone but me. I am, unfortunately, a very random person, as you will find out if you stick around. I have many reasons to start this up (which, if you'd like one, let me make an allusion that only some of you will understand: I've got a 3.97 GPA and I'm not willing to let that fall just because I might be somewhat averse to starting a blog).

I did start a blog once before, back when I was still in highschool, and it didn't last long. Most folks find other people's dreams are fairly boring - so no wonder no one seemed to care too much about that night I dreamt I used a wand to hurl spells at my enemies from the castle parapet, or the dream when I was involved in that high speed chase after the policeman thought I had stolen a box of oranges (I didn't... I promise).

So, let me just finish up this post by actually beginning to start writing... writing something akin to the kind of thing the rest of this blog is supposed to contain.

Here is a sudden little thought I had today and I wanted to share. Wait a second, I need to set this up. I promised the AWS (the Association for Women's Studies) that I would sit at their table and hand out information during this, Stampede Week. The Fall semester is here, bringing with it an influx of Freshmen, and we here at UCO are the Bronchos (I can almost hear you going, "oh, that's why they call it Stampede Week... I got ya.") The campus, quite frankly, is crowded already - nothing compared to some of the bigger colleges in this state (I'm told buses take you to classes from the parking lots) - but they are constructing another additional building right next to Liberal Arts (my home base). This blocks off the rest of the campus, and to say the least, I'm somewhat displeased. But I tell myself the building might be interesting, and that takes away some of the pain. I see that I've tangented. This is good. Now you know how a post from me might behave. Back to the thought I had today. I was walking through the stampede, headed for the table which I didn't have exact coordinates for, but was told could be found in der Nรคhe von Broncho Lake. Oh, yes, before I forget... I might type in German every now and then. If I hear German in my head, that's what you'll see on the screen. My brain likes doing that, and I'm almost a hundred percent sure it's unconscious. Good news... It is the unconscious part of my brain that I intended to talk about originally, so we've come full circle! I walked through a swarm of the newest additions to our gorgeous campus (Am I being sarcastic? You may never know), and suddenly a line from the Disney film Aladdin popped into my head.

"Fresh fish! We catch 'em, you buy 'em!"

Yep, that's what I heard in my head. Looking around at all the Freshman fish (get it now?), I discovered I was grinning like mad. No one else on this campus would have thought that. Okay, maybe my sister might have. Very often, she's the only one who gets my reference jokes.

And that's my story for today. I know. Gripping! Stay tuned for next time, when I'll be extolling the many virtues of choosing a Prada-free existence.

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